Tournament Rates

1 Day Tournament - Rates

 Participation RateHired Judge Rate
Standard Rate$70$170
Early Rate$40$135
Last MinuteN/A$200
*Registered/Requested and Paid by x/x/19 to qualify for the discounted rate.

2 Day Tournament - Rates

 Participation RateHired Judge Rate
Standard Rate$110$300
Early Rate$65$235
Last MinuteN/A$350
*Registered/Requested and Paid by x/x/19 to qualify for the discounted rate.
  • Google Pay payments:  Apply a $5 discount per student.
  • Late Payment Fee:  $25 after payment deadline
  • Really Late Payment Fee:  $35 if paid at Check-In
  • Administrative Fee:  $10 for any payment follow-ups/corrections.